With the big day when I finally start the engine getting ever closer,
I've started looking at where to fit the battery. It's a weeny bike battery which is the same as that fitted in
the R1 bike. This is the favoured location at present, although as you can see there's not exactly bucket loads
of clearance. In face, between the battery and the brakes MCs, the engine mount, and the side panels on the chassis
there's about 1mm clearance all round.
However, I don't think there are any other realistic options. The scuttle's too full of wiring, sensors, relays
and a rectified and there's nowhere else obvious in the engine bay unless I mount it right at the very front of
the car by the dampers, which will mean battery cables of awesome and undesirable length.
I'll just have to hope that the footwell bulkhead doesn't flex too much when I engage in vigorous braking. |